The Count de Luna is a mighty lord, wealthy and used to get whatever he wants. The more his proud is wounded when the beautiful court lady Doña Leonor vehemently rejects his proposal of marriage. There is another man standing in the way of the count – a mysterious Troubadour who won Doña Leonors heart by his singing. But the Count is not willing to give her up...
A dramatic love triangle is the topic of Giuseppe Verdi’s well-known opera “The Troubadour” that is newly discovered by Tanja Stern with a novel told in the style of the 18th century.
“The Troubadour” is the English version of the novel "Der Troubadour" (translated by Margaret Vallance) from the novel trilogy "Opernmorde" (“Opera Murder – three Verdi operas in prose narration”). The other parts “A Masked Ball” and “Rigoletto” will soon be available in English.